
  • When I was in college, I used to look at the kids who took the compiler theory classes and loved to work in assembler and think to myself, “Thank goodness you like that stuff.  Now I can concentrate on solving real problems with C.” Now I realize that I’m starting to look at C programmers…

  • After posting about how fast things change in the computer hardware field, I came across this 25 year-old film by the University of Toronto that compares and contrasts various sorting algorithms. I was fascinated with these algorithms when I was in college and after watching this 30 minute film, I can assure you that I’m…

  • Found this amusing link showing how “the world’s worst car,” the Trabant Sputnik of East Germany is/was made. This video in particular, reminds me of several enterprise software jobs I’ve had. Sure, most of the projects started out with detailed plans and documentation, but in the end management almost always abandons quality in favor of…

  • I just came across a very interesting puzzle game called Alligator Eggs. Although the author has intended it to be a non-computer game (i.e. you print things on physical paper and play with those) it reminds me a lot of the classic computer “game/puzzle” life (no relation to the board game of the same name).…

  • I’ve been working recently on “rescuing” some code I had written a year ago (under the codename KARPmusic) to control icecast and ices. It’s written in python, so at least that part is easy, but it was written against the TurboGears web development framework rather than Django which I’m using now. Thus, it’s not a…