
  • Arlo, driving for hours, urgently needs a restroom break, but the car’s AI handles most of the driving. He reminisces about choosing Texas as their destination and encounters a verbose billboard ad. As he gazes at the endless Texas road, his pressing need to urinate is temporarily sidelined.

  • A friend sent me a link to this photo that demonstrates Moore’s Law. For those of you that don’t know what that is and are unwilling to click the link and read about it yourself, Moore’s Law states that “the number of transistors that can be inexpensively placed on an integrated circuit is increasing exponentially,…

  • Welcome to the newest incarnation of The Gumption Blog. I figure since I’ve been personally attached to this particular word for so long (I registered the domain in 1995), I should probably post something about what “gumption” means to me. A quote from Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance where I originally became interested…