Tap, Tap, Tap

Is this thing still on? Can you hear me?

Rhetorical questions aside, you can probably see that I’ve resurrected what was a long, long dormant blog.

Why? Because I’d like a place to talk about projects I’m working on. That’s it.

This blog was my “social media” platform before that was a term. It had been a catch-all for most anything I thought about posting: vacation photos, maps of dog walks, a few sporadic music track of the day posts, and even some complaining about the state of the world.

I’ve cleaned out most of the old posts. I left a few software development musings that still seemed slightly relevant, but there’s little history left to be found here. The world will continue turning just fine without my old, embarrassing thoughts.

My plan is to continue posting in the style I developed on The CancelChain Blog so that future posts won’t be as boring as this one and Arlo can continue his adventures.

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